Love your Life in 2024

  • If you feel you have become stuck in a rut, in any area of your life, now is the time to address the issues so you can love your life in 2024.

The wheel of life is a well known tool that coaches use to help clients identify the areas in their lives that might need attention. I want to encourage you to design your own wheel so you get complete clarity on the changes you want to see.

There can be any number of things to focus on and I prefer to encourage everyone to identify their own ‘categories’ using language you identify with.

For example you might have one category to focus on as Family, which is adequate for your needs because no area stands out as needing individual attention. Another person might want to split this into Family (possibly parents, siblings etc); Significant other; and, children (or even one child in particular).

I don’t advocate splitting everything down to the nth degree or you will have too many categories to work with. Most people like to use between 8 and 12.

So before the New Year’s Eve take some time to yourself to identify all the categories that comprise your life.

I am listing below the most common category ‘titles’ to help you get started

  • Home
  • Career
  • Finances
  • Health
  • Family
  • Significant other
  • Children
  • Personal Growth
  • Friends
  • Social Life / Recreation
  • Spirituality / Beliefs
  • Fitness
  • Mindset / Attitude
  • Holidays/Travel

Identify what works for you

These are not all relevant for me but I want to get you thinking for yourself.

If you end up with more than 12, I suggest amalgamating a couple of categories to make it easier to focus.

To help you love your life in 2024 start to plan.

Steps to take

Create or download a wheel of life diagram.

  • Assign a category to each element of the chart.
  • Give each category a score out of 10 (10 being completely satisfied and loving that part of your life).  This is not something to be done quickly.  I always like to sit with each one and ask myself what I am satisfied with; what I am not satisfied with; how I feel about this category and then how I want to feel about it. I also find it helps to get an image in my head for the good the bad and the ugly of each one.
  • Please be completely honest, what would ’10’ feel like/look like for you?  Visualise yourself achieving this, get yourself excited by knowing you can do it.
  • Decide how far you can move towards ’10’ in the next year.  Be realistic other wise you will fail before you start.  This will also depend on what amount of change you want to include in the other categories.  Do you want to take one category a month or make improvements in all of them at the same time?
  • Identify what steps you need to take to start moving forward.
  • For each step look at the individual actions needed.
  • Create a plan of action.  
  • Do all the above steps for each category.
  • Start a journal and set time aside to make sure you move towards your goals every week. 

Motivation is key

I am really poor at self-discipline so need strong goals to keep me going.  The key is to make the targets small and achievable. That way I can see my progress and reinforce my motivation.

I also find that sharing your goals with others, especially those who also have goals they are working towards, helps create self accountability and motivation.

Arthur Clarke has noted that we tend to overestimate what we can do in the near future and grossly underestimate what can be done in the distant future. This is because the human imagination extrapolates in a straight line, while real world events develop exponentially like compound interest.

Pease contact me if you would be interested in joining a small free group for a monthly meet up during 2024.  Numbers are restricted to keep the group manageable and friendly.



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